The Film & Representation
Sub-Genre: Youth Drama, Crime
A gang member (gangbanger) has a problem with one of the local youths in the area but he ends up taking the wrong person's life which results in revenge from the late youth's older brother.
- Reece (little brother)
- Tion (older brother)
- Amari (gangbanger)
- Other friends
Social groups:
- Youths
- Working class
- Gangs
- Police (authority figure)
We do not seek to challenge stereotypes in our piece of media, instead we seek to address the stereotypes link with hoodies and young youths of our generation and really show how stupid little 'beefs' can lead to non sense and show how innocent people are effect. We seek to illustrate the stupidity of actions and show how your actions can really effect those around you.
Outline of Title Sequence:
1. Blank screen (Production company)
2. Cuts to Amari in his room getting changed whilst whatsapping and gets a picure of the jacket/jumper Tion is known for wearing
3. Then he leaves and camera cuts to Tion's room where he is smoking
4. Reece comes in and asks to borrow his jacket/jumper
5. Then Reece gets a text telling him to meet his friends at a certain time and place
6. He leaves and heads out the house and jumps on a bus
7. Jumps to him getting off the bus
8. He meets his friends and they're joking around, eating chicken & chips
9. Cuts to Amari meeting his friends down the road and they walk past Reece and his friends
10. He turns his head back (in slow motion) and realises the iconic bit of clothing Reece is wearing
11. Nudges his friend and says 'that's Tion' and he looks to his weapon that is down his trousers
12. Close up of clock which speeds up to night time, around 8ish
13. Hears and sees the siren of the police
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