Thursday, 26 February 2015

23 Which institution will produce your film, which company will distribute your film Sofia

Our title sequence is a Youth Drama inspired by Kidadulthood and Anuvahood which show stereotypical teenagers at their best, getting up to what adults think they get up to; doing drugs, having sex, crime etc and a lot of drama.  Our genre is crime/action because not only the teenagers stereo-typically live through a lot of action, they apparently commit a lot of crimes.

We are an independent production.  The producers that are sponsoring us are Stealth, TMC and Cipher. We have a low budget so these are the companies that can produce at a low cost.

We also have a wide range of distributors which is good because our title sequence will be watched in the UK, Germany, Brazil, USA and Finland.  The distributors are: Revolver Entertainment, Capelight Pictures, Focus Films, Image Entertainment and Future Film respectively.

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